Quite apart from the Vadney’s customary aversion to the truth, this posting shows his lack of invention when it comes to titles. Mine is much better, don’t you think?
Of course, what the Vadney is all about has nothing to do with the Taming of the Shrew: he wants to see the Shaming of the True. More particularly, of anybody who dares to publicize any inconvenient truths about himself. And when you’re someone as pathetic and dishonest as the Vadney, almost any truth is inconvenient. Not only does he want to shame those of us who stand up for the truth, he wants to extort money from us. He knows that his legal actions can’t win on their merits, but he hopes people will be fearful of the cost of defending them and settle out of court. Sorry, How-Old....
Vapid Vadney’s Vexatious Vexillology

In another ridiculous recent (25/08/08) posting, the Vadney has included a picture of the Agnus Dei, complete with vexillum. The cross on the vexillum is intriguing. It looks rather like the Savoyard cross: white on a red background. This must be the Vadney’s sly little back-handed reference to my living in Haute-Savoie, in the Alps. Now that raises an interesting point: the word alp means “summer pasture”; So what happens to all those alpine lambs in the winter? They get slaughtered, of course! And that is exactly what will happen to the Vadney if he is foolish enough to try to sue me. (Metaphorically speaking, of course.)
However, I have now moved back to Geneva, Switzerland, and so How-Old had better change the shape of the cross on his grubby little picture.
Pompous Pseudo-Piety
All this talk of religion reminds me. The Vadney’s piety is about as credible as his hair colour. A serious Christian theologian would doubtless tell him his use of religious images and language in support of his campaign of defamation and perjury (to cut a long list short) was nothing short of blasphemy.
He has also made a complete fool of himself with the affair of his pseudo-Psalm. First (21/08/08) he presents it as “Psalm 152”, with no qualification or comment, clearly under the impression it was a genuine Psalm. Then (PS to same posting), in response to my pointing out that there are only 150 Psalms in the Book of Psalms, and giving his drivel’s real origin (from a contemporary “charismatic prayer group”), he accuses me of “ignorance”, pointing to the existence of the Apocryphal Psalms (with a claim that “Psalm 152” appears in the Septuagint. I’d like to know where!). Eventually (25/08/08), he finally wakes up to the origin of his pseudo-Psalm, trying desperately to pretend he knew it all along, and citing a capitalization convention which neither he nor the poor benighted charismatics had complied with.
The real Apocryphal Psalm 152
First of all, let me apologize for previously having included, on my biblical quotations blog, a translation of the wrong Apocryphal Psalm. Foolishly, seeing it immediately after a translation of Psalm 151, I assumed it was number 152, but I was wrong. At least, when I make a mistake, I don’t try to cover it up or threaten to sue anyone who points it out.
Anyway, the following translation of the Syriac Psalm 152 is from the monograph Studies on the Syriac Aprocryphal Psalms (Journal of Semitic Studies Supplement, 7), by H. F. Van Rooy. I have taken the liberty of replacing the second occurrence of the word lion in Verse 2, in the light of Van Rooy’s footnote: “All the other manuscripts have ‘a bear’”, and because it makes more sense: David was said to have been attacked by a lion and a bear simultaneously, while tending sheep. I have also put in some standard punctuation.
- God, God, come to my aid. Help me and save me. Deliver my soul from the murderers.
- I will descend into Sheol through the mouth of a lion, or a bear will harm me.
- Was it not enough for them to lie in wait for the flock of my father and to tear sheep from his flock, that they also wanted my soul, to slay me?
- Have pity, o Lord, on your chosen one, and save your holy one from harm, he [sic] who persevered in your praises in all his times and who praised your great name.
- How did you deliver me from the hands of the destroying death and how did you snatch my devastation from the mouths of the beasts.
- Send quickly, o Lord, a saviour from before you and rescue me from the gaping death that wishes to confine me in its depths.
I am not so sure about some of this: Verse 5 seems a bit premature, but that’s how Van Rooy has translated it.
Anyway, I thought it quite apt in a way, with the religious references, and the sheep, and situation the Vadney currently finds himself in. Of course, he would be very foolish to look to God for salvation. No self-respecting God would take pity on someone whose situation had been brought about and was being prolonged by his own iniquity. The Vadney would do well to consider such simple concepts as truth and truthfulness if he wants to save himself.
I was wondering why the ānus Dei (whoops! Freudian slip) was carrying a Danish flag. Tak, Richard! Nu forstår jeg.
Since the Septuagint is, of course, written in Greek, it should be a trivial matter to produce the Greek text of "Psalm 152" if said "psalm" appears therein. I'm waiting.
I was interpreting the flag as a pennant, with the hoist side horizontal, so that the cross looks like a Savoyard cross. But if you look at it the other way, it’s a Danish flag.
I found a copy of the Septuagint online that goes up to 151 with the Psalms, which is consistent with other information I have found.
Apocryphal Psalm 152 exists in Syriac, I know, but it is nothing like the Vadney’s quoted “psalm”. So his references to the Apocryphal Psalms were totally out of place.
The Septuagint does include one psalm (following the standard 150) that is not in the Hebrew Scriptures. But it's nothing like that bit of tripe that Mr Vadney sanctimoniously trotted out.
My point exactly. I think Wikipedia screwed it up, and the Vadney copied it from there.
Serves him right for believing Wikipedia.
Rather than using "The Taming of the Shrew" as a title on his blog, Mr Vadney should entitle the whole goddam thing "Much Ado about Nothing".
Hi, Richard. Even Catholicism requires penitence before forgiveness can be granted.
I'm a very forgiving person—probably too generous by half. If Mr Vadney apologised contritely for defaming me and removed the defamatory material, I might be willing to forgive him—especially if he promised to forsake dishonesty and live like a good person from now on. If, however, he refuses to correct his misdeeds, I shall have no choice but to seek redress through the courts and other organs of the state.
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