Then we have this whopper of a porky:
[Comic colour effects in original omitted.]
The Chartered Institute of Linguists has asked for information to assist in investigating Benham, who claims to be a member of the cIoL, and Horne, who appears not to be a member of anything at all.
First of all, let me say that I have never claimed to be member of the Chartered Institute of Linguists. As I have previously mentioned, on this very blog, I have some fundamental differences with them. On a couple of occasions, I have downloaded the membership application form, with a view to trying to reform the system from within, but I have never proceeded with an application.
Secondly, how credible is the claim that the IoL “has asked for information to assist in investigating” Mr Horne and me? Why would they even want to investigate either of us? I am remined of the man who wrote to his local council with some suggestions, and received the reply that, if the council wanted his opinion, they would ask for it. So he told his friends he had been appointed an “honorary consultant”. If there is any truth at all in Vadney’s assertion (and he has some familiarity with the tactical ruse of interspersing his torrent of lies with the occasional half-truth as a diversion), then it can only be along the lines that he sent them a typical Vadney farrago of lies, and they responded (maybe not in quite these words) “If you have any evidence for your assertions, please provide it; otherwise bugger off!”
By the way, the Vadney earlier claimed I was being “investigated” by This is, to put it politely, another Vadney fantasy. If were to investigate me for, as alleged by Vadney, falsely claiming to have his permission to use his details, the very first thing they would have done would be to contact me and ask me whether I had any evidence of this permission. Of course they didn’t investigate me. The Vadney’s accusations, once again, are as contemptible as the Vadney himself. Serious businesses don’t have time for crackpots.
1 comment:
Here I go again, commenting on my own blog. But it seems a bit extravagant to create a new entry just to make a minor addition, and perhaps not quite in the spirit of things to make substantive alterations to an existing entry.
It has been suggested to my (by email) that the Vadney is obviously crazy. I think that making up lies about totally immaterial topics is evidence of that, or maybe of something more sinister.
Why did the Vadney say I’d claimed to be a member of the IoL? What difference would it make if I had so claimed? Was it trying to lay the groundwork for calling me a fraud? This is either frankly suicidal or a giveaway that the Vadney intends to go bankrupt in order to avoid its liability for all the lawsuits it is about to lose....
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