Harold W. Vadney III is a wannabe translator who lies about his credentials. In August 2007, I exposed him on the now-defunct Network of Independent Linguists’ Discussion Forum. He has now set up a blog devoted to telling lies about me and others. This is my reply. To comment or for further information write to Richard_Benham_AU-StopVadneysLies[at]yahoo.com.

Saturday, 19 January 2008

Vadney exposes himself...again!

I almost missed this, a comment the Vadney made on the post “Search the Names + Get the Hits”:

Harold W. Vadney, Director, Operations said...

I'd like to state one caveat in googling anything. Google tends to cache a great deal of old and obsolete information. You may come up with some obsolete or irrelevant hits so scrutinize what you find to avoid error or mistake.
Harold Vadney

Translation: “I have just realized that if you go Googling my name you will probably come across some old pages from the days before Benham and Horne exposed me as a fraud, and so confirm that I really did claim to have an MA and to be an MIL and FRSA....”

The Vadney would almost be funny if he weren’t so dangerous.


Scott Horne said...

Are we expected to believe that his lies are "obsolete" or "irrelevant" just because he has stopped uttering some of them? The many people affected by his fraudulent business practices, fraudulent CV, and fraudulent electoral campaign might beg to differ.

Note too that he constantly uses the royal we (error of grammar, arithmetic, or modesty?) and refers to himself as "Director, Operations" of his little one-man business.

Richard D. Benham said...

Precisely, Scott. It reflects no credit on the Vadney that after publishing the same lies repeatedly for at least 7 years, it finally stopped only after being exposed.

Richard D. Benham said...

While I think of it, maybe the Vadney should consider that the continued use of the “royal” plural could possibly get it charged with conspiracy....

About Me

I am a professional translator in the combinations French>English and German>English. I hold qualifications from the University of Adelaide (BA, DipCompSc), the Australian National University (LittB), the University of Geneva (Certificat de spécialisation en linguistique), and the the UK-based Institute of Linguists (Diploma in Translation for both my language combinations). I am an implacable opponent of bullshit in all its forms.